Etiquettes and Rules of Reciting Quran: Essential Guidelines for Respectful and Accurate Recitation

The Holy Quran is the holy book of Allah Almighty, which was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over 23 years. It is superior and purer than all the books that have come and will come into the world.

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إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ

Indeed, We have sent down the Reminder and indeed, We are its guardians.

In the above verses, it is clear that Allah Almighty is the creator of the Holy Quran. Since it is the book of Allah, following the Etiquettes and Rules of Reciting the Quran is essential. This is the miracle of the Holy Quran that even after fourteen hundred years, there has never been a single change in it, nor can time ever change any letter of this holy book. Even touching the Holy Quran without following these etiquettes is a sin.

Learn Quran and Tajweed With Certified Tutors!

Since we know that the Holy Quran is a book in which each letter must be read with the correct pronunciation. Therefore, Quran education should be taken from a tutor who is certified. In this regard, our platform is here for you.

The teachers who provide our online application classes are certified and experienced. You can join our courses regardless of your age or background. Our experienced instructors will teach you the Holy Quran in Tafseer, Hifz, or Rwangi. We are providing various courses such as

What Are The Etiquettes of Reading The Quran?

It does not matter whether you are reading the Quran on a digital device or have a physical copy; you must follow the Etiquette and Rules of Reciting the Quran. It is very important to keep the following things in mind.

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  • The Quran should be held in clean hands, so it is very important to perform ablution before reading the Quran.
  • While reading the Quran, sit in a position that is dignified because the Quran is the words of Allah Almighty. Always keep the Quran high and never put the Quran on the ground.
  • Recite Bismillah before reading the Quran. Do not read quickly, but recite it calmly with correct pronunciation.
  • Be careful of even the smallest mistake while reading any verse of the Quran because it risks changing the meaning, so the principles of Tajweed should be followed.
  • While reading the Quran, keep the distance between yourself and the Quran to a minimum and avoid unnecessary conversations.
  • Sit in a quiet place and mark the spot of prostration. Take a break while reading, perform prostration, and start reading again.

What Are The Benefits of Reciting The Quran?

The Etiquettes and Rules of Reciting the Quran not only reflect respect for the Holy Quran but also have many benefits. Its benefits are as follows.

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  • Since the Holy Quran is the book of Allah Almighty, by memorizing every word of it, a person gets closer to Allah Almighty and gains inner peace.
  • It is not only a source of guidance, but also good deeds are obtained in return for every letter.
  • Memorizing the Holy Quran sharpens a person’s memory, and he gains the ability to understand and evaluate every issue of life fully.
  • A person’s character is developed, and all his works become positive, and he stays away from negativity.
  • A person’s health starts improving because listening to or reciting the Holy Quran relieves the heart from the problems of the heart and this stress level also decreases.
  • Reading or teaching the Holy Quran also strengthens the bond in the family.
  • The Holy Quran not only has benefits in this world, but in the Hereafter, Allah Almighty will also give special good deeds to the Hafiz Quran.

What To Do Before Reading The Quran?

Before reciting, following the Etiquettes and Rules of Reciting the Quran is necessary; the following steps can be followed.

  • Perform ablution because the Holy Quran can only be touched in a state of purity.
  • Choose a place that is completely clean and quiet. Do not stay in a place where there is no distraction.
  • The Holy Quran should be lifted with care and love and kept in a place that is slightly above the ground. The Holy Quran should never be placed on the ground.
  • It is better to face the Kaaba, but this is completely optional.
  • While reciting Bismillah, touch the Holy Quran and open it.
  • Make a complete intention in your heart that I am reciting it to seek guidance, knowledge, and blessings from Allah Almighty.

How To Read the Quran Correctly?

Reading the Holy Quran correctly is a fundamental part of Etiquettes and Rules of Reciting the Quran because even a mistake of a vowel or a consonant can change the meaning. Therefore, if you want to read the Holy Quran with the correct pronunciation, you should memorize the 28 Arabic letters.

Please read them with the correct pronunciation and practice them. You can also take the help of a dedicated teacher in this regard. However, many applications have also been introduced that allow you to practice the correct pronunciation of the Holy Quran. You can also listen to the audio recitation of scholars and memorize it.

What Are the Quran Reading Rules and Manners?

There are also etiquettes for reading, reciting, or touching the Quran, and it is very important to keep some manners in mind while reading it. Because it is a holy book that is superior to all other books, some rules have been given in this regard, which you can follow while reciting the Quran.

  • The pronunciation of the Quran should be taken care of because correct pronunciation can lead to correct recitation.
  • The principles of Tajweed should be taken care of and followed.
  • It is necessary to pause wherever there is a pause; if not, then the meaning of the verses changes.
  • Always before touching or reciting the Quran, one should be in a state of purity, so it is better to perform ablution.
  • A person should be mentally and physically clean.
  • The Holy Quran should be read with a harmonious and musical tone, neither too fast nor too slow.

Easy Way to Learn to Read the Quran?

After the etiquette of reading the Holy Quran, we discuss how you can memorize and recite the Quran. Here are some techniques.

  • Choose a dedicated teacher. They will correct your pronunciation mistakes and guide you. Expert teachers are available on our platform to guide you and make your recitation accurate.
  • If you are not good at reading Arabic, do not rush because you cannot recite the Quran perfectly in just 24 hours. This is a long process, so these steps should be taken slowly. For this, you can join our designed courses and if you are a beginner, you can also read from the beginning.
  • The process of learning the Quran depends on revision. If you have read it once, you should keep repeating it so that you do not forget the verses.
  • This is a book that remains in your heart and mind only when you keep in touch with it.
  • The principles of Tajweed should be followed. Tajweed means reciting each word with the correct pronunciation because it is a book in which each word is read exactly as it is written.
  • You should also keep listening to the Holy Quran in the voice of your favorite reciter so that your mistakes are corrected, and you can start reciting the Quran on the go.
  • It is also important to stay engaged with the teacher from whom you are reciting the Quran; this way, you stay focused, and the chances of making mistakes are also reduced.


The Holy Quran is more sacred and superior than anything else in the world, so we must respect the Quran. Following the Etiquette and Rules of Reciting the Quran shows respect for the Quran. It is necessary for us to take care of proper etiquette and manners before touching the Holy Quran and not to be careless in this regard.

If you are reciting the Holy Quran, then your clothes should be clean and it is also better to use a miswak. You should never touch the Holy Quran without ablution. Follow all these things yourself, and if you are a teacher or a guardian, then it is very important to make the children follow these things because children do not know the subtleties of how sacred the Holy Quran is for us and what its etiquette and manners, which are very important to take care of.

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